3 Reasons to Use a GPS App Even When You Don’t Need It

And My Top Two GPS App Recommendations

If you know how to get where you are going, using a GPS app is pointless, right? Not in my opinion. There are 3 reasons why I think you should use a GPS app every time you get in the car. These reasons save you time and money.

Following are those reasons as well as my top two GPS app recommendations. (more…)

Maximize Time and Money with the Minimum Effective Dose

Why to Aim for the Smallest Dose that will Produce the Desired Outcome

Unlike my last two posts on how to save 46% on a hotel booking and how to save 40 hours per year by having your smartphone read to you, this post is a bit more abstract. That said, the principal I discuss here has much wider application. It will save you even more money and time than the previous two posts if properly understood and applied. This post is about the minimum effective dose.

Entrepreneur and author Tim Ferriss popularized the term in his book The 4-Hour Body. There, he defines the minimum effective dose simply as “the smallest dose that will produce a desired outcome.” (more…)

How to Save 40 Hours per Year with One iPhone Setting

How to have Your iPhone or other Smartphone Read to You at a Faster-than-normal Rate

If you regularly consume written content such as articles, blog posts, and email, it is possible to save over 40 hours per year. The trick is to have your iPhone read to you at a faster-than-normal rate. Utilizing this one iPhone setting can save you the equivalent of one work week per year.

Girl on bike listending to iPhone read to her

Here’s how to enable this powerful feature: (more…)

The Huge Mistake Many People Make When Taking Advantage of a “Deal”

And How to Calculate the Value of Your Time

Everyone loves a good deal. Most involve saving money. Some involve earning it. In either case, the financial component is just one side of a deal. The other, often overlooked, side of a deal is the amount of time it requires of you to take advantage of it.


Without having a sense of the monetary value of your time, efforts to save money are often misguided or even counter-productive.


The Reason for Time and Money: What Matters Most

And How to Identify what Matters Most to You

What matters most to you? If you had more time and money, how would that help you pursue what matters most?


Saving money is great. Making money is fun. Being hyper-efficient makes you feel super-human. (Or is that last one only true for me?)

But having more time and money fails to satisfy unless directed toward a greater end. (more…)